The inner Core

The inner Core
The inner Core
The inner Core

Der innere Kern Photo Story

  1. To find your true self, your life essence, is what many are longing for.
    You have to try several things and discover different places, inside and outside of you, before you may find it. If you ever find it.
  2. You keep on searching for decades. When you finally got it, you won’t ever give it away.
    You know for sure, that everything else around you doesn’t matter anymore.It’s your treasure.
    This is you. Your true essence.
    For now.
  3. After some time of satisfaction, you start to realize the consequences and question yourself again.
    As you gasp you feel a kind of bitterness in your throat….is that really it?
    Shouldn’t there be anything else?

    Mankind is always longing for more.
    And so the journey continues…

    Can we ever be satisfied with our lives?

Trivia: Als ich auf der Suche nach einem geeigneten Apfelbaum war, fand ich diesen umgestürzten Apfelbaum. Ich wusste sofort, dass das der perfekte Ort für mein geplantes Foto-Projekt war.


