About meto createthis and that

Since my early childhood days I have loved to represent the world with my own sense of reality. All of my dramatic experiences have strongly shaped the way of my thinking and how I create. Every single work has to tell a story of its own, which is extremely important to me.

Most of the time my works have an ambiguous imagery, like a double-edged sword. I am strongly guided by my own experiences and emotions, but also keep analyzing the behavioral patterns of others which can be found in my works.

There is an inexhaustible source of inspiration in nature. Many of my stories start there. Symbiosis and contrasts between humans and nature are also a frequent motif in my work.

I combine many different techniques and materials. Photography, felt, textiles, electronics, plants, painting, ceramics and bioplastics.

My motto: “It’s all a matter of perspective!” – Cornelia Gillmann

2020 Kunstmeeting member

2019 new life for a vacant building

2019 openingspeech for Foto City

2019 panel discussion

2018 “POWER, FAME & SEX”

2018 Kulturvernetzung NÖ member

2017 Marketing Managerin

2017 artistic photographer

2014 – 2017 self-employed photographer

2012 – 2013 various jobs as photographer

2006 costume creations

2005 musical Canto

2001 – 2005 school-band and choir member

1998 – 2005 youth theatre group

19.10. – 20.10.2019 Tage der offenen Ateliers – Action

09.2019 – open Malen ohne Grenzen – action

05.2019 – 06.2019 Marchfeld

03.2019 – 06.2019 Behind the Curtain – solo

05.2017 – 06.2017 Anders und nicht so

11.2016 – 04.2017 photos with nature theme – solo

06.2016 – 09.2016 HOKUSAI x MANGA

2019 Finalist – “Beneath the Surface”

2019 Finalist in Pink Photo Contest – “Noble Magnolia”

2018 Daily Deviation – “Cabbage Mind II”

2018 Community Choice Award – “Natural Consumption I”

2017 Daily Deviation – “Irreparable Curiosity”

2016 Daily Deviation – “Falling Down The Hole”

2015 Finalist in Levitation Photo Contest – “Falling Apart”

2015 Finalist – “Withering Soul”

2015 Staff Winter Selection – “Falling Down The Hole”

2014 1. Platz internationaler Ubisoft Cosplay & Photo Contest – Aurora

2013 1. Platz Vienna Comix Cosplay Contest – Labrys

2012 3. Platz AniNite Cosplay Contest – Oichi

1997 – 2005 7 x 1. Platz Raiffeisen Malwettbewerb

2020 further education in ceramics – Georg Niemann

2019 diploma as Kräuterlehrling

2018 – 2020 autodidact. education in felting and painting

2013 – 2014 preparation course as Photography Master

2011 – 2012 Multimedia diploma – Medienschule Wien

2010 high school diploma with focus on
informationtechnology und -management, HAK Gänserndorf

2001 – 2005 Musikhauptschule Auersthal, clarinet

1998 – 2000 visual arts course, recorder

2019 Interview – Eiserner Vorhang, 9er Jahre – Magazin Biber

2017 Artikel – Magazin Schaufenster

2017 Cover – Galerieführer NÖ

2016 Interview – Alice im Wunderland – Blog Libera tra i Libri

2014 Kurzgeschichte – “Sterben: Eine Anthologie über den Tod”

2011 Sanakan Cosplay, Illustration von Tsutomu Nihei – Knights of Sidonia Bd. 6, S. 176



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